Best Practice in Transition

scc and Educational Psychology Service

The review of Staffordshire’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) arrangements in 2018 highlighted that consideration of children and young people’s needs at transition points between key stages in education and from one phase of education to another was weak.  As a result, children and young people are often not prepared for the next stage of learning, training or adulthood

Times of transition can be exciting and positive, but some children and young people may need extra support. Children and young people with SEND and other potentially vulnerable groups may find some transitions more challenging than their peers do. Children, young people and their families may need additional support during transitions.

This document outlines principles of best practice at times of transition, to enable us all to support early transition planning that is effective in making transition as smooth as possible for children and young people with SEND and their families. This document should be used in conjunction with Staffordshire’s Graduated Response Toolkit.

Transition Principles

  • We all have the responsibility to work together with children, young people and their families to inform, support and encourage preparing for adulthood ambitions, right from the start.

  • With the right support, the great majority of children and young people with SEND can find work, live independently and participate in the community.

  • All planning and decision making should be person-centred, taking account of developmental stage as well as age.

  • Transition planning for changes in settings should start as early as possible.

  • Parents, support agencies and staff from the existing and new placements should be involved in transition.

  • Effective communication and transfer of records is essential.

  • Evaluation and reflection are important aspects of transition planning.

  • Transitions are times of vulnerability and therefore additional support should be available when required.


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