Mental Capacity Act - Making Decisions

When a young person reaches 16 years of age, they have a right to make their own decisions.  This is stated by law in the Mental Capacity Act.  It covers decisions about day-to-day things like what to wear or what to buy for the weekly shop, or serious life-changing decisions like whether to move into a care home or have major surgery.  More information about the Mental Capacity Act, can be found on the NHS website.

An animated guide to the Mental Capacity Act has been produced by Dorset County Council.   The guide explains the key principles in an easy to understand form.

An easy read guide on Making Decisions is available here.  It looks at what the law means and gives some stories around decision making.

A decision making profile template can be downloaded from the Preparing for Adulthood website.  The decision-making profile creates a clear picture about how a person makes a decision and how they want to be supported in decision-making.


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